Research can be considered to be cross-cultural when it compares behaviors across two or more cultures, when it is conducted within a culture different from that of a researcher, and/or when it uses instruments relevant in qualitative research that were developed and intended to be used in a different culture ( Rogler, 1999). Hennink (2007) has argued that the use of language in research and its appropriate interpretation is an ever-expanding field in qualitative research when research seeks to understand human behavior, social processes, and cross-language meanings that describe human behavior in natural settings. This means understanding and seeking comparable data across language boundaries, using research (qualitative) methodologies and values prepared in one language for use in another ( Birbili, 2000). Presenting findings in a different target language, that is, English, is now increasingly popular among health and social researchers ( Birbili, 2000). Despite the limited debates within research discourses and paradigms in relation to qualitative and interpretative perspectives, there has been a growing trend toward conducting research in a source language other than English. The dictionary meaning of translation is the process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language, whereas transliteration is to write or describe words or letters using letters of a different alphabet or language ( Wehmeier, McIntosh, Turnbull, & Ashby, 2005, p.1632).

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