It's a big old place out there, but as you now know, there's nothing to fear. Is there nothing in this world you can't find? Globetrotter (Bronze): You've seen every inch of the whole wide world with your own two eyes, and this award proves it.

You've experienced every effect the various objects of the world have to offer, and bathed in their beauty to your heart's content! Marker Marker (Silver): You've tracked down every item marker out there, no matter how well-hidden. It's high time your monstrous menagerie was appreciated in all its gory glory! Item Hoarder (Silver): Your fine eye for a fine item has led to your being awarded this momentous accolade. From here on out, it's just about learning how best to put that potential into practice! Monster Collector (Silver): You have sought out creatures of all shapes and sizes and diligently recorded their every detail. Level Allstars (Silver): Awarded for training every character up to achieve their maximum potential. Looking back, it's hard to tell now if your epic journey of slaughter took forever or the twinkling of an eye. You don't let the surprise grind your Spiria down, though-you thrive on it! M2K (Bronze): Day after day, from the dawn's early light to the setting of the sun, you slayed every single beast that crossed your path. Chase Link Ace (Silver): Come on! Just one more second! And another! And another! Your unflappable perserverance has finally paid off! Boo! (Silver): This award commemorates your uncanny ability to be taken unawares.

Let the Spiria shine on! Cross Chase Ace (Silver): A band of companions working in perfect harmony, and connected by unbreakable bonds-bonds that go beyond mere individuals and out into the fabric of the universe itself. Thanks for playing! Your love and dedication are hugely appreciated! Counteractivist (Silver): Bash, bang, pow! Your timing couldn't be more perfect! You don't fear enraged attacks-you welcome them with open arms! Challenge Champ (Silver): No matter what it takes, you'll rise to the challenge! It's high time you were rewarded for your go-getting attitude! 200-Hit Combo (Silver): Hit after hit after hit after hit after hit! You lay it on so thick and fast, the enemy doesn't stand a chance! Spiria Superior (Silver): The strength of the bonds between us is the source of our greatest strength. Master of Hearts (Platinum): Proof of a perfect completion of Tales of Hearts R. Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy: